www.gusucode.com > ROCKOA PHP协同办公OA办公系统 v2.0PHP源码程序 > ROCKOA PHP协同办公OA办公系统 v2.0/rockoa_v2.0/rockoa_v2.0/webrock/index/indexAction.php

class indexClassAction extends Action{
	public $allmenuid	= '';
	public function defaultAction()
		$this->rock->savesession(array(QOM.'adminallmenuid'	=> $this->getuserext($this->adminid)));
		$this->allmenuid			= $this->getsession('adminallmenuid');
		$mewhere	= '';
		$myext		= $this->allmenuid;
		if($myext != '-1'){
			$mewhere	= ' and `id` in('.str_replace(array('[',']'), array('',''), $myext).')';
		$menu							= $this->db->getall("select `name`,`id`,`icons` from `[Q]menu` where `pid`=0 and `status`=1 $mewhere order by `sort`");
		$my								= $this->db->getone('[Q]admin', "`id`='$this->adminid'");
		$dept							= $this->db->getone('[Q]dept', "`id`='".$my['deptid']."'");
		$this->smartydata['menu']		= json_encode($menu); 
		$this->smartydata['my']			= $my;
		$this->smartydata['dept']		= $dept;
		$this->smartydata['face']		= $this->rock->repempt($my['face'], 'images/noface.jpg');
		$this->smartydata['systemtitle']= $this->option->getval('systemtitle');
		$this->smartydata['systemlogo']	= $this->option->getval('systemlogo', 'images/icons40.png');
		$style  = (int)$this->getcookie('rockstyle', 0);
		$stylea	= array('classic','neptune','access','gray');
		$this->smartydata['style']		= $style;
		$this->smartydata['stylenep']	= $stylea[$style];

	public function getmenuAjax()
		$pid	= (int)$this->rock->get('pid');
		$this->allmenuid	= $this->getsession('adminallmenuid');
		$where	= "`pid`='$pid'";
		$menu	= $this->getmenu($where);
		echo json_encode($menu);
	public function getmenu($whe)
		$menu	= $this->db->getall("select `name`,`id`,`icons`,`url`,`num`,`isopen`,`ischeck`,(select count(1) from `[Q]menu` where `pid`=a.`id` and `status`=1)as `stotal` from `[Q]menu` a where $whe and `status`=1 order by `sort`");
		$rows	= array();
		foreach($menu as $k=>$rs){
			$id	= $rs['id'];
			$st = $rs['stotal'];
			$sd	= '['.$id.']';
			$num= $rs['num'];
			$rs['text'] = $rs['name'];
			if($this->rock->isempt($num))$num = 'menunum_'.$id.'';
			$bo	= true;
			$rs['leaf'] = true;
			if($rs['isopen']==1)$rs['expanded'] = true;
				$rs['leaf'] 	= false;
				$children		= $this->getmenu("`pid`='$id'");	
				$rs['children']	= $children;
				if(!$this->rock->contain($this->allmenuid,$sd))$bo = false;
			$rs['stotal']	= $st;
			if($this->allmenuid == '-1')$bo = true;//管理员
			$rs['num']		= $num;
			if($bo)$rows[]	= $rs;
		return $rows;

	private function getuserext($uid)
		$gasql	= " ( id in( select `sid` from `[Q]sjoin` where `type`='ug' and `mid`='$uid') or id in( select `mid` from `[Q]sjoin` where `type`='gu' and `sid`='$uid') )";//用户所在组id
		$gsql	= "select `id` from `[Q]group` where $gasql ";
		$owhe	= " and (`id` in(select `sid` from `[Q]sjoin` where ((`type`='um' and `mid`='$uid') or (`type`='gm' and `mid` in($gsql) ) ) ) or `id` in(select `mid` from `[Q]sjoin` where ((`type`='mu' and `sid`='$uid') or (`type`='mg' and `sid` in($gsql) )) ))";
		if($this->db->rows('[Q]group',"`ispir`=0 and $gasql")>0)$owhe=''; 	//不用权限验证的用户
		$guid	= '[0]';
		if($owhe != ''){
			$arss	= $this->db->getall("select `id`,`pid`,(select `pid` from `[Q]menu` where `id`=a.`pid`)as `mpid` from `[Q]menu` a where (`status` =1 $owhe) or (`status` =1 and `ispir`=0) order by `sort`");
			foreach($arss as $ars){
				$bpid	= $ars['pid'];
				$bmpid	= $ars['mpid'];
				if(!$this->rock->contain($guid, '['.$bpid.']')){
					if(!$this->rock->contain($guid, '['.$bmpid.']')){
			$guid = '-1';
		return $guid;
	public function getoptionAjax()
		//$mnum	= $this->rock->request('mnum');
		///$db 	= $this->option->getall("`mnum`='$mnum' order by `xu`,`id`");
		//$rows	= $this->option->getmnum($mnum);
		echo json_encode($rows);